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What are experiments?

More information about the experiments feature, which includes the world's largest sleep study.

Mike Battista avatar
Written by Mike Battista
Updated over a week ago

Are these real scientific experiments?

They are. BrainLabs was founded by neuroscientists who saw massive opportunity in having people from all over the world participate in science via the Internet. Experiments are the culmination of that vision.

The World's Largest Sleep Study was our first experiment, with participation from tens of thousands of people. Other experiments will be announced in coming months.

The experiments are designed by neuroscientists to build on previous research and answer remaining scientific mysteries. When an experiment is over, its results are published in science journals, contributing to knowledge about the human brain. Every participant makes a real difference in the world.

How are experiments different than insights?

Experiments are designed to answer a specific scientific question, and contribute to knowledge about a subject area that may or may not involve what is included in the everyday BrainLabs service and features such as insights.

Insights are based on the data you input on your everyday life and cognitive performance, and reveal patterns in how you live your life normally. Experiments have a specific purpose, they usually ask more in-depth questions about specific topics, and may ask you to make changes in your behaviour in order to determine how it affects cognition. 

Insights are always available, and continuously updated based on your data. Experiments run for a limited time, with a specific start and end time in terms of when you can sign up and how long it takes to participate.

Who is running these experiments?

Scientists directly associated with BrainLabs—particularly the Owen Lab at Western University—create and plan the experiments, using the site as a tool to gather data. Dr. Adrian Owen, Chief Scientific Officer, designs and oversees all experiments. Read more about Adrian and his highly influential research here

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